Sunday, October 3, 2010

First taste of fall

I've been feeling very relucant about giving up on summer. Not the endless 90-degree days. Not the thick humidity. It's the corn and zucchini, the tomatoes and the peaches. I'm just not ready.

Tim's cheery disposition when he brought acorn squash home from the farmer's market this weekend was too much to resist. Their rich, nutty aroma while roasting filled the kitchen and made a welcome side dish with dinner.

2 tsp ground cardamon
1 tbsp local honey
natural-style apple juice
2 medium acorn squash
salt, pepper
1-2 tbsp butter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut squash in half and scoop out seeds. Arrange in shallow baking dish. Sprinkle generously with cardamon, drizzle with honey and fill about halfway with apple juice.

Roast about 40 minutes or until tender. Cover with foil and let rest about 10 minutes. When cool enough to handle, scoop flesh (reserve excess juice) into food processor. Add salt, pepper, butter and juice as needed to whirl until smooth. Lean in close and inhale the savory smell of fall. Serve.

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